Friday, February 25, 2011

Week 5...Admiration

Giving a shout out!!

Fashion Binge

Fashion Binge is a fashion blog that was started in 2006 with two contributors, Tomar Lohan and Mary-Kate Hopkinson. The two contributors blog about fashion trends for up-coming seasons, while also providing random pieces that they find interesting to incorporate into any occasion. Tomar Lohan also works in the fields of public relations and advertising. She promotes herself through her blogging, while also allowing the public to enjoy her work as well. They both are charasmatic and comical in their writing, which keeps the writing just as engaging as the pictures. 

"The Blog Topics"

On Sunday, February 20, 2011, Tomar Lohan posted a blog entitled "DYNASTY BARBIES! I DY! Plus: IMPORTANT Barbie News!."  I fould this particular blog post to be quite interesting. The barbies are modeled after the 80's era. She discusses the trends of that era and show how they incorporated it into the style of the barbies. She also promotes the Barbie by connecting viewers to the link that will allow them to purchase the various barbies.

Check it Out!!

Both Lohan and Hopkinson frequently update their blog. They offer a lot of interesting trends and ideas that seem to go unnoticed. Their blog offers creativity and enjoyment to its followers. You can expect to find something interesting or learn something new from the blog before leaving its page. To embark on their blogging endeavors check out the following link: Fashion Binge Blog and enjoy!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Week 4...The In's and Out's

Give Me the Details...

The Avatar!
In order to create an avatar version of the owner and show the various clothing choices, the owner will have to pose for a series of pictures.
The remote control's monitor will be able to display a 5 x 7 photo. The camera necessary for taking pictures that can then be uploaded to the remote must have a pixal resolution of at least 3 megapixals. The owner can then pose in differet tops and bottoms, and store the pictures on the remote device. Once the pictures are on the device, there organization is determined by the owners Excel instructions.

Sorting it Out!
How is it possible for a closet to sort dirty clothes from clean clothes and dark colors from light colors?
Active Radio Frequency Identification tages will be placed on the tags of all clothing, shoes, and accessories owned by the owner. The RFID reader will first be able to distinguish between dirty and clean clothes by the level of perspiration found within the materials. After distingushing between the cleanliness, the RFID reader can use lighting to sort out the darks from the lights in both the clean and dirty clothes so that they can be placed in their proper place. From there the organized system of Excel can go to work on the organization.

Looking In from the Outside!
The remote control has a 15.4 inch LCD monitor with built in speakers. The monitor offers a clear resolution for they different graphics that will appear on it.
What are the Pixel Dimensions?
The resolution displays a 1,280 pixels per horizantal row and 800 pixels per vertical row. These dimensions offer an image on the monitor that is sharp and smooth.

Providing the Best!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Week 3...Lets Get Technical!

Working with the Touch-Screen Remote...

What's Inside?
In order to run programs that use Excel and video, the touch-screen remote for this "ideal" closet is going to require quite a bit of memory. 4 GB/s of RAM is a decent amout of memory for the remote to run all its application smoothely. There needs to be enough memory to run largers applications while still leaving excess memory to prevent the remote from stumbling across and mishaps. The remote will also come equipped with a memory card. The purpose of this card would be to hold other memory instructions dealing with the photos of the clothing within the closet.

What's Outside?
The outside of the remote will include two ports/connectors. These connectors will both be type A universal serial bus ports (USB 2.0). The connectors will be used to keep the remote charged, as well as share its information with any other device it is connected with. Other devices (camera, Ipod, etc.) can also be connected and read by the romote as well. Also, the remote will be equipped with speakers, so that music and video and be heard.

What do I see?
The pupose of digital video is significantly intriguing for this device. Video will be used when showing the owner various outfit choices. The different outfit choices will appear on an avatar version of the owner. Once clothed, the avatar will be able to spin around 360 degress and walk back and forth in order for the owner to see the full effect of the outfit. This will all be made possible by using Adobe Flash. Along with showing the avatar movement, Adobe Flash will also perform other tasks dealing with movement (text, graphics, etc.) on the remote.

It is Good to Know What You Are Working With!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Week 2...Personalizing and Organizing

Making it Your Own...
This invention is designed to meet standards of its owner by its owner.
The idea behind this new and improved closet is to establish that it belongs to you. Personalizing and making this invention something that you enjoy is left in your fingertips...with the touch-screen remote control. In our new era, we are able to digitally manipulate the things we see. One of the features of the touch-screen remote control would be...putting outfits together on an avatar version of the owner. "You are trying on the clothes, without trying them on."  Adjusting color, lighting, etc. can help create a perfect outfit for any occasion, all provided in an organized manner.

Many resources have been created and made available for our benefit (making life easier in some way). Microsoft Excel is one powerful tool that can organize almost anything in anyway. This tool will prove to be most effective with the touch-screen remote control when you want to set up an organized schedule for your clothes to operate on. The installed washer and dryer system will need to run on some organized cycle, and the owner will have the power to design this schedule how they see fit. Also, this tool can be used to organize the clothes into different sections throughout the closet. For example, the clothes can be organized by color style, fabric, etc.

Technology is progressing and we need to continue moving with it.